treatment plan

Creating a treatment plan

Although this is the strategy we apply in Dien Chan, this action plan can be extended to many disciplines.

Let's take a concrete example of skin disorders.

Western medicine associates rashes to different factors depending on the diagnosis:

  • The nervous system
  • Poisoning
  • Respiratory allergy
  • Food intolerance

Traditional Chinese medicine offers another approach and makes the connection with the metal element: Large Intestine and Lung.

We will therefore translate these valuable indications into an extremely comprehensive care protocol.

We will "play" all the "melodies" on our Dien Chan!

The experience accumulated since 1984 for Professor Bùi Quôc Châu, the inventor of the method and since 2002 for these many Western students, has shown us that no one really makes a mistake.

All medicines have an honorable but incomplete approach.

It's normal!

Each medical current has followed its path and as always, when we specialize too much, they have moved away from the whole patient.

The excess of precision limits the holistic vision, well beyond the pathology.

In Dien Chan, we want to wake up our self-regulation process. Like all reflexologies, we go directly to the brain for the latter to take charge of the energy deficit.

And to use existing and rigorous terminologies, we are talking about Qi, our life energy.

We also borrow the irreducible concepts of yin and yang, because it is useless to hide behind less precise and often insidious nomenclatures.


Dien Chan is practical, efficient and concise, because the face is so close to our brains, it gives us incredible potential.

Let's translate the information:

Let's illustrate the transcription of knowledge with the example of skin disorder.

Nervous system

▸ Anti-stress bqc·points discovered by Prof. Châu to calm the abstinence crises of drug addicts.


▸ Reflex stimulation of the liver and gallbladder.

Respiratory allergy

▸ Reflex stimulation of the pulmonary system.

Food intolerance

▸ Reflex stimulation of the digestive system.

Metal element

▸ Reflex stimulation of the Large Intestine meridian.

▸ Reflex stimulation of the meridian of the lung.

What gives us bqc·points to stimulate with our detector (30 seconds per point):

124· 34· 50· 41· 3· 61· 39· 37· 38· 342·

We can also turn into reflex zones the areas described by these bqc·points. We then work with a multireflex tool adapted to the yin or yang diagnosis established by the dialogue.

Here are some of the possibilities that we will detail later:

  • If the disorder is expressed with heat (redness, acne, etc.) we will first use a multireflex tool with yin effects to refresh the skin.
  • If on the contrary we find the presence of liquid retention, we prefer to roll the face with a yang effects tool to energize and dry.
  • If the patient's skin is neither too dry nor too oily, we can think about a blockage of the lymphatic system and will perform the Reflexdrainage. This protocol stimulates the lymph nodes in a multireflexological way, because it relies on different Dien Chan diagrams of reflexion.